Saturday, January 27, 2007

Non-Science-Based Labeling

From Bio:

Biotechnology Industry Organization (BIO) President and CEO Jim Greenwood today responded to Sen. Barbara Mikulski's (D-Md.) introduction of the Cloned Food Labeling Act saying, "Labels that are misleading to consumers are unlawful. To require the labeling of foods that are indistinguishable from foods produced through traditional methods – as Sen. Mikulski's proposal does – would mislead consumers by falsely implying differences where none exist. It also risks diverting attention from important safety and nutritional information."

No doubt polls would show simultaneous fear and ignorance of cloning and other gm foods.

That being said I would like to know what I'm eating, and tend to err on the side of more info rather than less. I wouldn't have any problem eating cloned grub. I'm far more threatened by burgers and beer, which I enjoy regularly.

More here:
Mikulski's bill requires food distributors to add labels saying "This product is from a cloned animal or its progeny." The labels would be placed on cheese, milk, meat, and other food in supermarkets and restaurants.
More: nanotech equally mysterious to most.

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